by Asset Technologies



Haryana Regional Chapter (HRC) is one among the 20 regional chapters of the Institute of Town Planners India (ITPI). It came into existence in the year 2003-04. In this short span of time, HRC has achieved remarkable achievements by constructing its own building on the land allotted by HUDA in sector-2, Panchkula and has also created necessary supporting infra structure including a library for professional activities. The chapter has 230 town planners in its list and it actively promotes the objectives of ITPI by undertaking activities such as workshops, conferences, seminars, publications and research activities.Objective of ITPIHRC:To advance the study of Town Planning;To promote planned, economic, scientific and artistic development of cities and rural areas,To foster the teaching of subjects related to town planning,To hold conferences and meetings on matters relating to town & Country planning,To ascertain and notify the law and practice relating to town & Country planningDeveloper Credits:Kuldeep Gusain(Software Developer)Company Credit: Asset Technologies